Monday Dec 03, 2012
Monday Dec 03, 2012
As Christians, we recognize that the message we get about Christmas isn't the same message that the world sends out. Sometimes the world's message of more, more, more can be rather overwhelming though. How can we focus on Jesus Christ, the true meaning of the season, and be content in our knowledge that life in Him is all that we really need?
Monday Nov 26, 2012
Monday Nov 26, 2012
Verses: Micah 6: 6-8, 2 Peter 1:3, Isaiah 6:1-3, Romans 12:1-2
We know that there is nothing that we can offer God that will make us more worthy in His eyes. He judges us based on how we live, and we will all fall short of His standards. With that in mind, we look at the idea of holiness. What is holiness, and why do we need to strive to live a holy life? What can we do to achieve this seemingly impossible standard? And how can we "clean ourselves up" before Jesus visits again?
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Sunday Nov 18, 2012
Exodus 16
Moses brings the people out of slavery in Egypt, but all they do is complain. There is no thankfulness for the many things that God has provided. God will provide all that we truly need (and then some!), and it's up to us to find joy in this life even when things are down. With the holiday of Thanksgiving right around the corner, how do you show your gratitude toward God's gifts?
Sunday Nov 11, 2012
Sunday Nov 11, 2012
Exodus 17:8-14
When Moses raised his arms, the Israelites were winning their battle. When he lowered his arms, they were losing. And when he got tired of holding his arms up, Aaron and Hur helped him hold them up. In the same way, none of our battles are ever fought alone. We have people working with us to help fight, but more importantly we have a risen savior on our side. Do you fight your battles knowing that you have already won because of your faith in Jesus?
Sunday Nov 04, 2012
Sunday Nov 04, 2012
Daniel 6
Most of us know the story of Daniel in the lions' den. There are a few morals inside this story. One is that we Daniel is rewarded for his faithfulness because he doesn't put anything before his service to God. It's not enough to just have God in your life-- you need to make God the biggest priority in place of everything else. In return, God will be with you in your times of need. What things in your life get between you and God? How can you give God the attention He deserves?